Chizzie Brown
English Teacher/TLC West
English Department Teacher Leader
TLC West Humanities
Course Description
Humanities is an integrated Social Studies and English program. The district English 9th/10th grade courses require work in the eight Program Goals: narrative, argumentative and expository writing; fiction and nonfiction reading; collaborative discussion; public presentation; vocabulary acquisition and development; and language, spelling, grammar and usage. World History focuses primarily on the major turning points in the world from the late 18th Century to the present. Major themes include the evolution of democracy, revolutions, imperialism, innovation, and war and conflict. Making connections between historical topics under study and current issues, as well as viewing history from a variety of perspectives will be major points of emphasis. Humanities will challenge students to think about people, events, and issues from the past and explain their relevance then and now.
"It is the mark of an educated man to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle
How we deliver and ensure learning.
Project-Based Learning
A project based learning model provides the structure for how students learn in the TLC. Project based learning provides a rich educational environment where students build communication and literacy skills in authentic and relevant contexts; students work both individually and collaboratively to develop understanding, publish their work for authentic audiences, and regularly reflect on their learning. Through this approach, students develop critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity skills. They also learn to take ownership of their learning and develop a growth mindset – referred to as agency in our program.
Collaborative Teaching
The most basic definition of collaborative teaching is two teachers sharing students and learning spaces in order to provide targeted, small group instruction and development of key skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity). Teachers plan projects together and collaborate in a variety of ways throughout the day. Students will access content and develop skills primarily through workshops. Workshops may include class discussions, small group activities, research, technology-based activities, lectures, demonstrations, textbook and outside readings.
"Just in Time" Instruction
Students access content and develop skills primarily through workshops. Workshops may include class discussions, small group activities, targeted skill instruction, reading, research, technology-based activities, instructional videos, lectures, and demonstrations.
How we talk about student learning
Mastery of Learning
Students are assessed on their mastery of literacy skills: reading, writing and speaking. Each project targets specific skills in each main area, e.g., narrative writing, reading literature and collaborative discussion. Students are given scaffolded instruction and multiple opportunities to demonstrate their growth and level of proficiency. They work collaboratively with me and with their peers to develop polished communication skills. Each project also includes assessment of collaboration and agency skills.
The Learning Outcomes and "The Fundamentals"
Literary Study
Our Literature Study is designed to align with the Social Studies curriculum. Here is a sample of literary works we cover that correspond with the themes and topics of our major projects.
Grading, etc.
How we communicate and track learning
What we expect from our students
TLC West students giving feedback
Standards-Based Grading
I use Standards Based Grading in this course. This means that the certified grade will reflect the student's level of proficiency in each skill area at that time. Students receive feedback (from peers and teachers) in a regular, timely, and useful manner in order to improve their conceptual understanding and skill level. Grades are certified at each of the marking periods (R1, R2, R3/S1, R4, R5, R6/S2).
TLC West students preparing to learn
What Scores Mean
- 4 = advanced-- demonstrates factual and conceptual understanding and apply knowledge and skills to novel situations.
- 3 = proficient-- demonstrates both factual and conceptual understanding, and skills are at the standard.
- 2 = developing-- demonstrate factual understanding of content and skills are approaching proficiency.
- 1 = needs help--demonstrates partial factual understanding and need more training and significant practice to meet the standard.
- no score = work does not demonstrate what the teacher is assessing; or, maybe the work was not turned in.
Students are responsible for the information and assignments they miss during an absence. It is expected that students review the course website on HAIKU and work with their partners in class to help them with this task. Missing class is highly discouraged unless absolutely necessary.
If homework is assigned, it will be used to reinforce learning that has already happened in class. Homework may also be an opportunity for students to extend or enrich their learning of content or skill a student has already mastered.
Late Work/Revised Work
The deadline for late work is the end of the grading period.
All students are expected to be present and participate; ask questions; and be respectful.
Contact Me!
Questions, concerns, suggestions, ideas...feel free to let me know!
cbrown@ 415-453-8770, ext. 3487
© 2016